LED Shoebox Lights

Making Darkness a Thing of the Past

Shoebox lights are outdoor lights typically mounted on poles. The term “shoebox” comes from the lighting fixture’s rectangular shape. Some say the size of the light — approximately 1 foot — is also the average size of a shoe. Browse our catalog of high-quality LED shoebox lights at prices that meet your budget.

About LED Shoebox Lights

LED lights are known for their durability and long life span. So when it comes to durable outdoor lighting, it’s no surprise that LED shoebox lights are among the top options. Shoebox lights can withstand extreme weather conditions and provide bright, broad-spectrum illumination ideal for large spaces.

LED shoebox lights have various applications. The most common are parking garages, parking lots, public parks, recreational areas, building exteriors, streets, roads and pathways.

If you’re a property manager or electrical contractor looking for the best outdoor lighting options, consider getting LED shoebox lighting from Commercial Lighting Services. They’re efficient, reliable and offer great value for money.

Benefits of LED Shoebox Light Fixtures

Whether for commercial or industrial use, an LED shoebox light fixture offers many benefits, such as:

  • Durability: LED shoebox lights are specifically built for outdoor use. The materials used for the lights can withstand harsh conditions, such as UV exposure, varying temperatures and moisture.
  • Low maintenance: Unlike traditional lighting options, LED shoebox lights don’t need frequent replacements.
  • Cost efficiency: You can save thousands of dollars on operational costs with a shoebox light that lasts up to six times longer than metal-halide lamps.
  • Eco-friendliness: As with other LED lighting options, LED shoebox lights consume less energy, meaning they have lower carbon emissions than their traditional counterparts.

Find Reliable LED Shoebox Lights for Your Space

Commercial Lighting Services has an extensive selection of LED shoebox lights and other lighting fixtures. We primarily cater to commercial and industrial spaces in need of high-performance lighting solutions. Our in-house experts can provide value-engineered solutions so you get products that meet your needs and budget. Contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About LED Shoebox Lights